After carefully researching and considering the vendors that work your wedding - the photographer, caterer, florist...- Many Couples find they loved them so much they call on them again for future milestines: baby showers, birthday parties, anniversaries, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, and so on. Adena Stevens is the owner of Studio A Images. She has come up with something very special...

Adena Stevens: "My photography roots began with a career in photojournalism. I found immense joy getting to know the communities I moved to while shooting for the local newspapers and getting the opportunities to document people’s daily lives. That documentation of daily life is what I am now bringing to my portrait sessions – telling the stories of you and your family: Those every day simple things that we may take for granted. Those little moments that you will want to remember forever. The natural interactions of you with your family."

To find out more about Studio A Images, or the family sessions, go to: